About this course

This course will enable you to surprise your students not just by what you teach but by how you teach. The course is based on the three pillars of mindfulness teaching and can be applied within any mindfulness programme including MBSR, MBCT and other approaches.

It will show you how to keep teaching Simple - you will be shown that keeping teaching simple is not only more effective for your students/clients but also takes the pressure of yourself as a teacher also. You will explore how to keep teaching in the here and now and not to get lost in over explanation.

You will explore how to make teaching Elegant - Elegance is what you leave out. Many teachers say far too much and over complicate this simple and profound practice. You will be shown that what you leave out, is as important as what you put in. It will show you why you should avoid cramming too much information and too many activities into your classes, and allow space.

Ensure teaching is Practical - Teaching has to be practical and relevant to a student’s or client’s everyday life. You will explore how to show your students/clients how to apply mindfulness to every area of their lives, such as home, work and relationships. Relationships are often an area of much difficulty but also of much growth. You will learn practical techniques to share with your students when in difficult situations in life.

What you’ll learn

  • How to teach mindfulness with confidence and ease
  • The three pillars of mindfulness: Keep teaching simple, elegant and practical
  • How to avoid common mistakes, which even experienced teacher make
  • How to use the powerful aids of silence and pauses in your teaching
  • Tools and techniques to help your students with difficult feelings and emotions such as sadness, anxiety and panic attacks
  • What to say and what not to say whilst guiding meditations
  • How to keep inquiry simple and direct which benefits both students and teacher
  • How to avoid falling into the trap of overusing cliches and platitudes
  • How to bring your teaching alive with the use of metaphors, images and stories
  • How to set and encourage home practice for your students/clients

Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?

  • That you aspire to share it with others through one to ones, workshops, courses or drop-ins
  • We ask that you have been practising mindfulness meditation for six months or more.
  • Time to practice and apply

Who this course is for:

  • If you are a current or aspiring mindfulness teacher/facilitator
  • If you want to learn to teach mindfulness with confidence and ease
  • If you want to teach and share from your own experience
  • If you want to teach with both clarity and from intuition
  • If you want to enrich and bring mindfulness alive for your students using metaphors, images and stories
  • If you don’t want to run just another mindfulness course, but one that is unique

Course curriculum

  • 01

    Course Overview

    • Introduction

  • 02

    Common Mistakes

    • Too Much Information

    • Common Mistakes

  • 03

    The Three Pillars of Mindfulness Training

    • Practical

    • Elegant

    • Simple

  • 04

    The Mindfulness Journey

    • Melting Ice Cubes

  • 05

    Allowing Silence to be the Teacher

    • Silence and Pauses

  • 06

    Watching Thoughts

    • Thought Labelling

    • The Art of Fishing

    • Clicky Pen

    • Being Awareness

  • 07

    Guiding Meditations

    • Guiding Meditations

  • 08


    • Trusting Simplicity

    • Starting and Ending Enquiry

  • 09

    Dancing with Dragons

    • Two Pools of Practice

    • Your Students Secret Practice

    • Challenging Your Students

    • Working With Difficulties

  • 10

    Going Beyond Cliches

    • Going Beyond Cliches

  • 11

    Using Stories or Metaphors

    • Stories and Metaphors

    • More Stories or Metaphors

  • 12

    Two Daggers and How to Set Home Practice for Students

    • The Two Daggers

    • Setting Students Home Practice